by Ted Ciuba | 2014 Apr 12 | Law of Attraction, Meditation, Mind-Environment Connection, Quantum Leap, Vision
Welcome into one of the most magical weeks in Quantum Leap Mind Training, Session #5, an exploration of “Imagination” in the Think Rich philosophy as developed by Napoleon Hill… You wouldn’t necessarily pick it up with your conscious mind,...
by Ted Ciuba | 2014 Jan 27 | In Spirit Of The New Think And Grow Rich, Mind-Environment Connection, Quantum Business Acceleration, Quantum Humanism
by Ted Ciuba | 2013 Sep 11 | 101 Quantum Success Secrets, Extra Mile, HoloCosm, HoloMagic, In Spirit Of The New Think And Grow Rich, Leadership, Mind-Environment Connection, Napoleon Hill, Quantum Leap
All right, my friend, you have made it! You’ve made it to Secret 101 of 101 Success Secrets From The NEW Think And Grow Rich, assuming you’re getting this in order. You should congratulate yourself. You are unique. Most people don’t get that far,...
by Ted Ciuba | 2013 Sep 3 | 101 Quantum Success Secrets, In Spirit Of The New Think And Grow Rich, Intention, Mind-Environment Connection
Here’s a secret from the author’s side… To help raise awareness on The NEW Think And Grow Rich – Quantum Version I took upon myself this rather, as it turned out, monumental project of sharing with you, creating for you, 101 Quantum Success...
by Ted Ciuba | 2013 Aug 1 | 101 Quantum Success Secrets, HoloCosm, In Spirit Of The New Think And Grow Rich, Mind-Environment Connection, Spirituality
The quantum grail of achievement can be summed up succinctly in… You and HoloCosm are one You are not separate. The thoughts you think are not separate from the life you’re living. It’s how you think which determines the effects manifesting as your...
by Ted Ciuba | 2013 Jul 5 | 101 Quantum Success Secrets, In Spirit Of The New Think And Grow Rich, Mind-Environment Connection, Quantum Leap
So how do you make the quantum leap? You just do it. You just assume that power, because it’s in your star stuff, and then you just do it. How do you know where you’ll land? If you trust yourself, the power is there when you need it. That feeling of...
by Ted Ciuba | 2013 Jul 3 | HoloCosm, Mind-Environment Connection, Spirituality
Hi Friend, I read these two quantum achievement articles on the today – and because they're so rare for me to write – being poetry – I've captured them for you here. If you want to hear the entire show, in which I...
by Ted Ciuba | 2013 Jun 28 | 101 Quantum Success Secrets, In Spirit Of The New Think And Grow Rich, Leadership, Mind-Environment Connection
Not surprisingly I’m in a number of MasterMind groups… And the term has become so general it applies to a lot of well-intended meetings. So I’m in this internet marketing mastermind. We help each other help clients get more traffic, make higher...
by Ted Ciuba | 2013 Jun 26 | 101 Quantum Success Secrets, Mind-Environment Connection, Personal Responsibility
Here’s one of my favorite insights on persistence, from a former American president, Calvin Coolidge… “Nothing in the world can take the place of persistence… Talent will not; nothing is more common than unsuccessful individuals with talent...
by Ted Ciuba | 2013 Jun 24 | 101 Quantum Success Secrets, In Spirit Of The New Think And Grow Rich, Leadership, Mind-Environment Connection, Quantum Leap
No amount of force can cause the quantum leap. But it can sure keep it from happening. This change is not done by force. Would you not agree it might even appear, on the surface, to require more agility rather than brute force? It cannot be accomplished by brute...
by Ted Ciuba | 2013 Jun 22 | 101 Quantum Success Secrets, In Spirit Of The New Think And Grow Rich, Mind-Environment Connection, Quantum Physics
Government busybodies and certain people in educational institutions really take offense when I say any ordinary person can acquire wealth. Certainly it’s going to be wealth as they define it, and neither I nor anyone else can shortchange the price success in...
by Ted Ciuba | 2013 Jun 20 | 101 Quantum Success Secrets, Leadership, Mind-Environment Connection, Personal Victory
The biggest single cause of failure is fearing failure. Like in baseball, they talk about a batter who gets nervous and chokes up. When what he needs to do is perform with grace and agility whatever the opportunity presents. Those of us who are living in the current...