by Ted Ciuba | 2013 Jun 20 | 101 Quantum Success Secrets, Mind-Environment Connection
I talk to a lot of people in a lot of circumstances, and fear of failure is the biggest stumbling block for why people can’t make a decision concerning something that clearly has the capacity to do what it is they actually say and put out they’re seeking...
by Ted Ciuba | 2013 Jun 16 | 101 Quantum Success Secrets, Commitment, In Spirit Of The New Think And Grow Rich, Mind-Environment Connection
Those who feel like they must have all the answers… Those who hesitate feeling they must have the assurance in place before they’ll move forward, are their own worst enemies. The law of attraction is triggered by commitment. So if you’re doubtful,...
by Ted Ciuba | 2013 Jun 12 | 101 Quantum Success Secrets, In Spirit Of The New Think And Grow Rich, Mind-Environment Connection, Personal Victory
The first time I became familiar with this concept was hearing Henry Ford say, “Think you can, think you can’t, either way, you’re right.” It’s the same thing with the quantum leap. The quantum leap demands the leap. It doesn’t...
by Ted Ciuba | 2013 Jun 8 | 101 Quantum Success Secrets, Mind-Environment Connection, Spirituality, Vision
We work very hard to elucidate these essential, profound principles. You must align yourself with Nature to succeed. Like a ship that uses the wind to sail, they align themselves with the wind. No matter which direction they go, they use the wind. They align...
by Ted Ciuba | 2013 Jun 1 | 101 Quantum Success Secrets, In Spirit Of The New Think And Grow Rich, Mind-Environment Connection
Neural repatterning required. The very first words of the book, The NEW Think And Grow Rich, are, “It’s a world of cause and effect.” We live in that world. Which means the life you’re living in now, the circumstances you’re in, are an...