I was rummaging around as a 20 year old in my grandmother’s house and found an old book. Leafing through that book I found a passage she’d neatly underlined. Those were the only marks in the book.
At the time, I was fascinated with the words, and made due note of the passage…
Here I am these 40 years later, and I run across that note card, hard to read, because it was written in pencil, and everything is showing the signs of the decades passing by…
Imagine my surprise when I re-discovered this passage in my own hand, realizing I’ve actually got a business and ministry promoting concepts like that. That artifact resurfaced today… At the time I was facing a life ahead of me, full of questions, looking at the seeming injustices of the powerful, seeking guidance in a hostile world.
Here’s the passage:
Write the vision;
make it plain upon tablets,
so he may run who reads it!
For still the vision awaits its time;
it hastens to the end –
it will not lie.
If it seems slow, wait for it,
it will surely come,
it will not delay.
– Habbakuk. 2.2-3
It talks about getting something written in stone. For us it could be a vision board and some defining affirmations. But it talks about getting it in writing so we ourselves clarify what we want, and then we can look at it and remind ourselves, so we can stay empowered in it, and that act itself brings support and opportunity from the environment.
This piece’s larger context is an oracle, which lets us know what is coming. And even though there may be a seed time and a harvest, everything is happening as it should. It will surely come, it will not delay; it hastens to the end.
This is the voice from on high giving us a good reason why we should complete the six-point Formula For Riches. Get serious.
It connects you with higher powers. It gives you solace, it strikes your magnetic strip, it gives you fire. It gives you sustenance, it gives you guidance. It does magic for you.
It’s just a few words, though it could set the entire course of your life and stand as the responsible day for the worthy contributions you bring…
Formula For Riches
- How much / what do you want? Describe it fully
- By when do you want it?
- How are you going to get it?
- Plan it
- Affirmatize it
- Program it
It might be surprising how little effort on your part it takes. That’s why they call it “grow” rich. How much effort does a self put into growing?
Six points executed with passion, with the fullness we speak of in this philosophy, make it real. Could you find a better summation of the process involved in think and grow rich?
Get it on paper. That starts the self-fulfilling prophecy. It’s the choosing, setting, the planting of the seed. That triggers the unseen workings of attraction and growth, and then you have a manifestation. Even if there’s a time through the denser vibrations descending from impulse into form, the Power itself assures you, “If it seems slow, wait for it, it hastens to the end.”
Get It In Writing by Ted Ciuba,
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