You get the author's inflections, emphasis, and tonality!
You understand clearly and immediately!
It's a vastly superior training experience...
It makes the teaching immediately accessible to you!

NOT Available Anywhere Else!
This development contains BOTH the magic formula to riches in the pursuits of your choosing and the effective technology to make it happen quickly and easily!
Author Ted Ciuba expresses, emotes, renders, and interprets word-for-word the simple but deceptively complex The New Think And Grow Rich.
Revealing the secrets behind every millionaire’s success… secrets behind outstanding accomplishment in any pursuit – none of which require a single thin dime.
Napoleon Hill discovered the secret,
Ted Ciuba took it quantum in a new age.

This system has 77+ successful years running time!
And while you’ll find a fascinating recast of 4 of the principles, and you’ll go into realms of quantum physics and neuroscience you never dreamed applied to achievement in business and in life, the important point to start and build on is these are the 13 universal principles first discerned and presented by Napoleon Hill in Think and Grow Rich.
They were so important, so outstanding in the lives of the wealthy individuals he interviewed, he observed…
“I have never known anyone inspired to use the secret who did not achieve noteworthy success in his or her chosen calling.
“I have never known anyone to distinguish themselves, or to accumulate riches of any consequence, without possession of the secret.”

The facts speak for themselves...
The philosophy of success Hill outlines is so spot on that W. Clement Stone, the man who built the legendary direct sales organization that made Combined Insurance Company the leading life insurer of the time, and that made him the richest man on Earth at the time, the same man who gave over $275 million to charity during his lifetime, to declare…
Licensed by Oaktree B - CCBY-SA2.5ca
“The most important day of my life was the day I began reading Think And Grow Rich.”
The original Think and Grow Rich is the all-time best-selling self development book in history, with Napoleon Hill Foundation reporting over 100 million book sales to date!
It’s THE book sworn to by millionaires, identified by World Press as…
"The book that launched a million millionaires!"
What hasn't improved over the last 100 years?
To be sure – if you’ve read the book, you you already struggled with this – there were several problems in the original classic version of the book, published in 1937, that had to be cleaned up.
Well, no kidding! Think about it. The research that formed that book actually sprung root over 100 years ago, in 1908.
The eternal truths Hill presented, he presented in the dress of his day… Simply put, that means there are things that grate on the nerves of our more cosmopolitan culture today. Expressions that come across tending of racism, sexism, Americanism…
The famed “20 years of research” that went into the original Think And Grow Rich was halfway done the day black and white day the United States entered World War I in 1917. America’s most famous aviator of that war, Capt. Eddie Rickenbacker, was flying a bi-wing, open cockpit plane. Imagine! Such progress!
None of this is intended as criticism or one-upsmanship in any way.
Even in the fact the original book got it right on the big picture of the 13 principles of success, the outmoded expression of that truth was causing so much noise few could hear the signal.
Static. Interference.
Neither in disrespect, nor in promotion, but to bring up an example most individuals raised in the U.S. culture will easily understand...
Essentially, it’s the same way with the holy book of the Christian culture.
I don’t see anyone but diehards and literature students with the true King James version of the bible, as released by the king, edited by a team Shakespeare, widely acknowledged as the greatest writer the English language has ever produced, headed up, in London in 1616. Those were very fertile times in Europe and in our racial soul…
But we read our important literature in today’s language, so it has meaning.
Foundations Of The Quantum Leap Philosophy

Quantum Physics
Accelerate Your Success!
This same phenomenon explains the success The New Think And Grow Rich - Quantum Version has enjoyed. It's Ted Ciuba's own quantum modernization of the 13 universal principles of success as presented by Napoleon Hill, as Hill himself might have done it were he still living today...
This up-visioning respects and honors the original while incorporating and interpreting the human fact that science, flight, and, yes, personal development all have followed the same glorious path of progress.
Real simply, whatever you think of the original Think and Grow Rich, Ciuba’s version, The New Think and Grow Rich, is the updated, supercharged, quantum, holomagic version of the best-selling success book of all time, put into today’s language, with today’s multi-cultural examples, from a wide variety of pursuits, taken to the next level with quantum physics and neuroscience (neither science of which existed during Hill’s day) so YOU can finally achieve the success you desire!
Public Acclaim
What Others Say About The New Think And Grow Rich - Quantum Version
“Most great inventions, works, business ideas, etc, are the brilliant revision and/or adaptations to what already existed. This is what makes this edition of The New Think And Grow Rich even better, in my opinion, than the original! The combined work of Hill and Ciuba are more than twice as nice, together they are beyond a masterpiece!”
– Dr. Stan Harris, World Champion 10th Degree Black Belt
“This is more than just a revamp with modern examples – it radically transforms the vision by adding new gender, cross-cultural and international issues to the mix, including new material to include both science and genetics, as in the Quantum reality of accelerating income and wealth. An excellent re-do of a classic financial inspirational guide.”
– Midwest Book Review
“Ted has re-written in modern terms, with MODERN QUANTUM CHANGE TECHNOLOGY, the classic Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill into The New Think and Grow Rich by Ted Ciuba…”
– Tamara Dorris, sales trainer
“I picked up Ted’s book – AND I WAS SHOCKED AND AMAZED! I sat there and began going through it … and all of a sudden looked up and over 3 hours had gone by!!! Ted has done a truly amazing thing, by totally rewriting this powerful classic. Every entrepreneur and business owner simply MUST have Ted’s book!”
– T.J. Rohleder, President More Inc, $100 Million Earner
“The New Think And Grow Rich really changed my life. Rereading it for the 2nd and 3rd time – just the revelation that’s coming out of that book! Ted does a treatment in that book that really gets deep into your mindset – and all mindsets and traditions… He really has a gifting to free you from old paradigms and old dynamics.”
– Oscar Smith, Entrepreneur
But this special report is NOT about the celebrated book, The New Think And Grow Rich by Ted Ciuba...
This goes way BEYOND the amazing material captured in the book into...

Want a FREE sample of the audio reading of this most magical work? How about the entire chapter 3, "Programming"?
Learning Styles
The NEW Think and Grow Rich AUDIO program takes the content of the book and soars beyond the “what” is “on the page.”
But first, let’s back up a bit… The ugly truth is, all the “content” in the world, put in book form, just doesn’t make the connection with most people…
Most people find reading too much a struggle to put up with… Some people find it impossible to get the meaning from squiggles on a page…

Which is precisely why you might prefer watching this video of author-reader Ted Ciuba talking about The New Think And Grow Rich - Quantum Version and the value of the audio version...
The bare facts are... Many people, instead of being a visual-reading learner, simply get it better when it’s heard. Your audio channel is very strong, and makes learning easy.
None of that mentions the dedicated time reading involves in today’s hurry-hurry society!
Multitasking frees you to progress more rapidly – No more trying to carve out the spare time to “read” – when you can easily multitask, or focus, as you wish – or flip back and forth between the methods of consumption, with an iPod, driving, anywhere, anytime…
“Meaning” and EFFECTIVE CHANGE Is Communicated Extra-Verbally
Studies have shown that we only process 7% – 10% of the meaning of a communication from the words themselves! That means if you’re processing only from the written word, at best, you can only suck out 10% of the gold laying therein.
Up To 95% Of Communication Is Extra-Verbal!
The same studies say you process 30% – 35% of the meaning of communication via the tonality of the words…
This is a program that sticks with you.
And real wealth begins happening in your life….
“Your word emphasis and enthusiastic interpretation have been helpful discerning the importance and clarification of thought manifestation.
“I read the book years ago, but did not receive the depth and overall profoundness until listening to your narration.
Beneficial for anyone.”
– Vita Buffa
Then, when you add the body language inherent in spoken communication, the expression, the pauses, the animation, the moments of tears, and the cheers, you add the final 60% – 70%.
So you finally really get it…
You come to know it intuitively, because the struggle inherent in understanding written symbols simply is not there…
Quantum Wealth Building
In short, if you bother at all with the message of The NEW Think and Grow Rich, if you really do WANT to Quantum Leap your fortunes, do it quickly and enjoy it permanently, this is the program that will make it happen for you!
Get ready to encounter the holomagic side of life! Discover what it is to THINK and GROW RICH.
That’s right, you get it in a way you never could trying to suck it out of the pages of a semi-lifeless book.

Word-for-word reading by author, Ted Ciuba, so you understand every word just as it was intended.

Catch the true meaning and significance.

Tune into the emotions, vocal inflections, and all the other dimensions that give the spoken word superior communication ability over the written word!

Don’t be put off by an old-fashioned book any longer!
Unabridged Version - The ENTIRE Book "Word-For-Word"
Not available anywhere else!
This website is the only place in the world where you can get a genuine copy of this quantum program. No where else in all the world!
Obviously you’ll want to play these often, until you absolutely know and are acting on the information in the audio in a subconscious, autonomic manner.
Put these on when you need a boost or you need some direction.
If It’s Results You’re Looking For, This Audio Program Accelerates Your Success
Success starts and ends with mindset.
It’s your belief system that needs repatterning. You must do reprogramming.
And what that means for you today, is, bottom line__
Audio is waaay more effective than reading…
It’s in our genes!
Introducing the complete version of...
The New Think And Grow Rich - Quantum Version
Audio Program
Here's the goodies you get with...
The New Think And Grow Rich - Quantum Version
Audio Program
I know you're eager! Getting your version is simple...
You have 2 options... We'll describe them each in more depth, but first, a quick summary...
Option #1
The "Quantum Leap" Audio Package
This is the option most people choose. It includes The New Think And Grow Rich – Quantum Version read by the author in 13 audios, plus the ebook, plus the entire 13 audios speeded up to 177% for faster learning and better retention, plus study guides to integrate the philosophy into your behavior, 101 Quantum Success Secrets, AND 3 powerful bonuses to accelerate your success!
Total value $761.80.
Option #2
The "Achiever" Audio Package
The New Think and Grow Rich – Quantum Version read by the author in 13 audios, the ebook version, 101 Quantum Success Secrets, plus three bonuses.
Value: $378.85.
You decide.
Let’s dig into the details, take a look at the precious goodies you get in the two different options, and simply choose the one that's best for you.
Option #1 – The “Quantum Leap” Audio Package
Item #1:
The NEW Think And Grow Rich Audio – Quantum Version comes in 13 audios, one representing each chapter / principle.
1. Desire
2. Knowing
3. Programming
4. Specialized Knowledge
5. Imagination
6. Organized Planning
7. Decision
8. Persistence
9. The MasterMind
10. Passion
11. The Subconscious Mind
12. The Brain
13. HoloMagic
Value: $197. Right there you get more value than you’ll invest, and this is just the beginning!
The NEW Think and Grow Rich is in a class by itself!

Want a FREE sample of the audio reading of this most magical work? How about the entire chapter 3, "Programming"?
Item #2:
You also get the ebook version of The NEW Think and Grow Rich – Quantum Version by Ted Ciuba, ready for your instant use!
Not only does the e-version (pdf) give you instant ability to follow along, read, or go back and research in, it’s searchable, which makes it supremely super to use when you do an in-depth study of the book that’s made a million millionaires!
No library is complete without this quantum classic.
Value: $19.95
Item #3:
You also get the incredibly useful "Speed Audio" version of The NEW Think and Grow Rich – Quantum Version.
That’s right, these are the same audios of The NEW Think And Grow Rich, but speeded up 177 percent!
Value: $19.95

The human brain can understand every word, and…

You save almost 50% of the time it takes to get through the real time version!

And the irony of it, with quality speed treatment, so the voice doesn’t sound like chipmunks, you actually engage more, experience deeper and, therefore, retain more and DO MORE.
You’ll love this! Few who experience speed listening wish to go back to the old, time-consuming, retention-deficit tracks. Decide for yourself.
One makes the quantum leap, not with more work, but by putting leverage on their side. This is truly an instance of that.
Proven philosophy!
Hands-on learning!
Spaced repetition
Value: $99
Item #4:
You also get individual study guides of each principle, which can increase your integration exponentially. Each study guide is 6 - 11 pages in length.
Literally, the main reason all who encounter the teachings don’t turn promptly into achieving the particular pursuits of their passions is they never DO the book!
The formula IS IN THE BOOK (and it’s even more accessible in the audios), but merely encountering the principles won’t develop your mindset any more than having a computer magazine on your coffee table makes you a web designer.
They think spice reading it like you might a fleeting novel on a short flight should do the trick. Well, that may make you feel energetic for a moment, but…
The pathway to real, lasting change is understanding, integrating, and APPLYING the teachings to your specific case.
These study guides will help you do that.
P.S. These are the same study guides Ted uses to guide his $50,000 Destiny Creator Intensives, so you know they work!
This is a comprehensive package, making sure you get everything you need to be successful! And this next item can be very powerful in quickly and rapidly assimilating and integrating this message.
Item #5:
You also get the most accessible success book Ted Ciuba has ever written - according to comments from customers who love the short, insightful, powerful messages - 101 Quantum Success Secrets by Ted Ciuba
One after another,
101 messages,
101 secrets,
each 101 seconds or less.
These secrets can have a profound influence on your life. They take the secret in The New Think And Grow Rich and expand and extend it to mind-blowing proportions!
Are you ready for your own quantum leap?
Here’s a hint at the magic you will find …
Nurture Certainty In Your Ability To Respond
How Quantum Science Relates To Acquiring Wealth
The Quantum Grail Of Achievement
Einstein On That HoloMagic c2 Factor
The Law Of Attraction Is Triggered By Commitment
Case Study Of The Beatles’ MasterMind
The Quantum Leap Requires Agility Not Brute Force
101 Quantum Success Secrets helps you get it. A beautiful supplement to the book, The New Think And Grow Rich.
Not only that, but you get links to a video training session on every single secret! That’s a $197 value, free.
Add up these different components, and the product so far, worth $427…
But wait! There's bonuses!
You get 3 great bonuses in this option!…
Bonus #1:
Copy of the original Think And Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill
There are numerous editorial changes in later republications that water down the message as Hill originally put it.
Esther Hicks, of The Secret fame, even goes so far as to say that the secret is not even in the editorial revisions the publishers did to make it more acceptable to powerful interests.
Value: $19.95
She cites, for instance, that there are 37 instances of removing the word “vibration.”
It changes the book, the message, and the benefit you the reader can get from it.
Well, you get the ORIGINAL, so you can see for yourself, so you can get all the juice the author originally put into it before it was watered down by managers and executives who didn't want to rock any boats...
And for your valued information... The New Think and Grow Rich – Quantum Version is based off of this ORIGINAL manuscript, exactly as published in 1937.
Bonus #2:
Entire first session, “Desire” of Quantum Mind Training
This is no sample piece, it is the actual, entire first session, “Desire” of Quantum Mind Training.
It’s the only neural repatterning system in the world based on the proven principles of The NEW Think and Grow Rich using the cutting-edge, patented neurosynergist sound technology®.
If you want to reset your subconscious paradigms on wealth, you’ll love this program!
Value: $97
Bonus #3:
Sampler of Sub 4 Minute Extra Mile Titles
Ciuba has written over 100 works, with 31 titles in the Sub 4 Minute Extra Mile Series. These are short, intense, intended training sessions which drive you to success.
You get three titles Ted’s chosen specially to get your collection started.
You get…

The Blur Between The Impossible And The Possible

The icon of the Sub 4 Minute Extra Mile is Robert Bannister, the first human to ever run the sub 4 minute mile. The achievement principle he demonstrates is, intention trumps time.
Check out the intro article on Bannister, because you can put the insights immediately to use.
Value: $19.95
Value Of The “Quantum Leap” Audio Program
Wow, that’s $333.90 worth of bonuses stacked on top of $427.90 worth of product making a grand total of $761.80 worth of products and value you get!
But, the value is in what it does, not what it costs!
And for a limited time, because we want to get the word out…
We’ve slashed the price on…
Order Option #1 – The “Quantum Leap” Audio Package
The New Think and Grow Rich – Quantum Version read by the author, Ted Ciuba, in 13 audios, plus a copy of the ebook, plus the entire 13 audios speeded up to 177% for faster learning, plus study guides to integrate the philosophy into my behavior, 101 Quantum Success Secrets, AND 4 powerful bonuses to accelerate my success! Total value $761.80, available as a limited introductory offer…
NOT $197, $119.95, but only $77

Your order is safe, secure, and private - and we will never share your email.
Your 100% 30-Day Guarantee
Our guarantee is simple, complete, and with no dangling strings. You get an unconditional 30 day guarantee. If you’re not happy for any reason, simply let us know and we’ll promptly refund every penny.
Of course, if you ever encounter an issue downloading or opening the program, our customer service department will help you – for life.
You have NO FINANCIAL RISK here. You either love the program and are convinced it will benefit you, or you get your money back.
But your upside is immense!
And that means not investing and giving it a try could be a most expensive error...
And for those who are conserving their cash right now, you can get started with the economy version...
Option #2 – The “Achiever” Audio Package
This offer saves you a few dollars, and has everything you need to get the secret.
In the “Achiever” Audio Package you get select items of the offer as described immediately above in the "Quantum Leap" offer:
1. The NEW Think and Grow Rich – Quantum Version read by the author in 13 audios
2. The ebook version of The NEW Think and Grow Rich – Quantum Version by Ted Ciuba
3. The ebook version, 101 Quantum Success Secrets
You also get 2 great bonuses in this offer
1. Copy of the original Think And Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill
2. Sampler of Sub 4 Minute Extra Mile titles
Be aware – You do NOT receive the valuable Study Guides, nor the Faster Audio, nor the Quantum Mind Training in this version.
You do not receive all the bonuses of the “Quantum Leap” Audio Program, but for those who want a bargain with just the meat, ‘n’ potatoes – this is it!

Value of the "Achiever" Program
That’s a grand total of $378.85 worth of products and value you get!
But for a limited time we’ve slashed the price on the "Achiever" program to make it accessible to anyone who wants to improve their financial situation with a combination of timeless principles and the most up-to-date methods on the planet today!
Order Option #2 – The “Achiever” Audio Package
The New Think and Grow Rich – Quantum Version read by the author, Ted Ciuba, in 13 audios, plus a copy of the ebook, plus 101 Quantum Success Secrets, and 2 powerful bonuses to accelerate my success! Total value $378.85, available as a limited introductory offer…
NOT $97, not $79, but a mere $47

Your order is safe, secure, and private - and we will never share your email.
Here's what it boils down to...
You want success… You passionately desire success!
You’re willing to jump over hurdles ordinary people are not to achieve success.
The Think and Grow Rich philosophy is proven… It’s the best-selling self-development book in history, with sales over 100 million books! It’s called, “The book that launched a million millionaires!”
And today this cutting edge audio program of The NEW Think and Grow Rich – Quantum Version makes it very easy to finally open up the message of wealth locked in the book – and grow rich yourself!

This website is the only place in the world where you can get a genuine copy of this quantum program. No where else in all the world!
Option #1 – The “Quantum Leap” Audio Package
The New Think and Grow Rich – Quantum Version read by the author, Ted Ciuba, in 13 audios, plus a copy of the ebook, plus the entire 13 audios speeded up to 177% for faster learning, plus study guides to integrate the philosophy into my behavior, 101 Quantum Success Secrets, AND 4 powerful bonuses to accelerate my success! Total value $761.80, available as a limited introductory offer…
NOT $197, $119.95, but only $77

Your order is safe, secure, and private - and we will never share your email.
Option #2 – The “Achiever” Audio Package
The New Think and Grow Rich – Quantum Version read by the author, Ted Ciuba, in 13 audios, plus a copy of the ebook, plus 101 Quantum Success Secrets, and 2 powerful bonuses to accelerate my success! Total value $378.85, available as a limited introductory offer…
NOT $97, not $79, but a mere $47

Your order is safe, secure, and private - and we will never share your email.
Quantum Up Inc * 7051 Hwy 70S #193 * Nashville TN 37221 USA +1-615-662-3169